Indenova’s presentation at Forum Postal Africain 2016

Maybe you know that governments and private companies spend over 100 billion dollars per year in the resolution for problems caused by identity fraud.
We have the solution that allows La Poste companies to solve this problems in their countries.
The solution is to convert a la Poste in a Certification Authority, that makes possible that they issue TRUSTED electronic identities to citizens, companies, public workers,…
This trusted electronic identity is based in a digital certificate, that allows the end user to have a secured and certified identity that enables him to do all the transactions that they want on internet, in a secure way and with total legal value.
This electronic identity can not be hacked so we can eliminate the fraud on internet transactions, but the most important thing is that we can apply this identity systems to physical operations.
But, what is a digital certificate?
A digital certificate is a mechanism, for example a smartcard, where you can store your identity and your private key in a secure way.
This system is unclonable and your private key never is exposed to third parties.
With this identity you can do all the operations that you want on internet in a secure way and with total legal value. For example Access to a system, pay a service, present electronic document to a government, sign a contract,…
So,………… What can i do with the digital certificate?
How i said before digital certificates allows users to encrypt and sign any comunication or document, with total legal value.
For example, we can sign documents and emails, to send to a third party.
We can encrypt a document or an email to send in a secure way this information, nobody except the receptor can decrypt the information.
We can store confidential information about our Company or our documents.
And we can Access in a secure way to any web portal. With this solution we can assure that the users that are trying to Access to a web portal are the real user, but the most important with this technology nobody can stole our credentials to Access to our bank account, for example.
And how can you take advantage of this technology?……
There are a lot of business around a certification authority, we list some examples:
• Sell electronic identities (digital certificates) to end users, as companies, governments, Banks….
• Provide a suite of egovernment and ebusiness to helps these organizations to transform in a paperless office.
• Be a centralized autentication operator of the country, that sells in a pay per use model, trusted system autentication for Banks, telecomunications companies, governments….
• Provide centralized signature platforms that allows third companies and governments integrate digital certificate technology in their sistems.
Indenova has a full suite, that allows our clients become a Paperless organization.
PKI Platform
e-Signature solution
e-Gov platform
Dematerialization of process
Mobile e-Signature
e-Invoice solution
Document management
Dematerialization of process
Certified Digital Scan of document
Our main difference to other companies is that to configure our system you don’t need any technical knowledge. Anyone on your team could automate, for example, purchasing processes, invoice approvals,…, without programming. For example we transform to a paperless organization the Defense Minister of Colombia in only 3 months and without the need to use any software engineer.
By last i want to present one of the newest products, eSigna ID